New Patient Special!

Book a consultation, neurological scans, x-rays and your first adjustment for $50.

(Book fast! Ends June 1st)


Chiropractic Care

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist our community in reaching the next level of health through
family-focused, technology-driven, neurologically based chiropractic care.

The Level Up Method

Adjustments at Level Up Health Chiropractic vary depending on the patient. We focus on a variety of techniques to make sure you get the best care.

  • Torque Release Technique (TRT) is a specific, scientific, and research-based technique designed to take a neurological approach with your health. Through its analysis our doctors are able to locate, determine, and correct areas of neurological tonal imbalances along your spine. We'll often refer to these imbalances as subluxations. These subluxations are often accompanied by nerve interference and can be associated with all kinds of dysfunction throughout the body. By removing these subluxations along the spine, the body is more able to self-heal, and self-regulate effectively helping you to function at your optimal level!

    We correct these underlying weaknesses using an instrument called the Integrator. This tool allows for us to be highly specific and gentle with every adjustment we deliver in order to get to the root cause of your health concerns. With TRT, our doctors are able to provide very gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments to the spine; no twisting, popping, or cracking necessary! Our overall goal is to create a more balanced tone to the nervous system, and as a result, your body will be able to heal, feel, and function better.

  • Chiropractic care is vital to the normal physiological function of both the mother and baby throughout pregnancy and birth. More and more women and birth providers are becoming aware of the importance of chiropractic care during this important phase of life through the application of the Webster Technique.

    The goal of the Webster Technique analysis and adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation / SI joint dysfunction around the mother's pelvis. Sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (i.e. - dystocia), caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby malpresentation. Correction of sacral subluxation may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia.

    By utilizing the Webster Technique in our office, our goal is to allow for normal physiological function of the mother's nervous system and provide an optimal environment for the growth and development of her baby. This type of care is vital for before, during, and after pregnancy in order to support the mother's nervous system during this crucial time.

  • Chiropractic kids have the BEST start to life and the number one wish of any parent is for their child to be happy and healthy! We all know the best way for kids to stay strong and healthy is by staying off daily medications and avoiding surgery. In order to achieve this goal, kids need to have an optimally functioning nervous system in order to adapt to the stresses that are placed upon them.

    Your nervous system controls every function in the body and a properly functioning nervous system is crucial for childhood development. Regular chiropractic care for children allows for them to maintain optimal nervous system function throughout development resulting in a better, happier, and healthier life.

Who We Help

At the heart of Level Up Health Chiropractic we strive to help our community level-up their health. If you’re unsure whether we can help, reach out to us anyway! We’re happy to talk through a consult.






Common Symptoms We Treat

At the heart of Level Up Health Chiropractic we strive to help our community level-up their health. If you’re unsure whether we can help, reach out to us anyway! We’re happy to talk through a consult.

Spine Related

Back Pain, Headaches & Migraines, Neck Pain, Sciatica


Disc Injury, Whiplash, Work Injury, Accidents


Arm & Leg Pain, Carpal Tunnel, Shoulder Pain

Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care for Kids, Pregnancy, Wellness Care

Other Symptoms

Vertigo, Sinus Infections, Ear Infections, Dizziness


“I struggled with infertility for a couple years. I tried so many different things to ovulate and nothing was working. Just a couple weeks after seeing Dr. Eshbaugh, I received my first positive ovulation test and we were successful at getting pregnant that month. He now adjusts me weekly through pregnancy using the Webster technique and it helps relieve those stubborn pregnancy aches and pains so much that I look forward to my appointment each week. Thank you for helping our dream of having a family come true!”

- Meghan M
Adult/Prenatal Patient

We want you to be HAPPY & HEALTHY. Contact Us Today!